31 Jan. 2006
As damn impressive as doctors are now. You have to be impressed with a lawyer that will done a leather mask and demo BDSM in a courtroom to get a client off (pun intended you sick fucks). And if you don't know what BDSM is....you should be reading something else.
Hey! not that I give a shit, but yesterday was some Dick's Birthday. Congrat's on not dying for another year. Considering his health record that's a pretty impressive thing.
I've always wondered what I could use to remember my phone number. It's pudgy-18. Nice huh. You can see what your phone number spells at phonespell.
I'm always impressed by clergy who avoid the really bad sins like molsteing little kids but still manage to break one of the seven deadly one's like selling a church to embezzle the funds so he can buy a BMW