Friday, January 20, 2006

20 Jan. 2006

I'd like to be rich. Most rich peoeple seem to misue their wealth. It's nice to see someone putting the money to a good public use. However leaving your entire estate to pay down the national debt seems just a bit stupid.

On the other hand, killing people just to get a job next to some hot piece of ass is even more stupid.

Perhaps the killer can get a sex change to avoid punishment like some guy (well, not anymore) in Singapore did.

If you're kind of stupid and want your kids to be smarter, eat oily fish and nuts while you're knocked up. Or so the BBC says. And while it might be enjoyable, eating my nuts, probably doesn't count.

In religious confusion news, I never realized there actually was such a thing as Christian Science. I know of the Christian Science Monitor. Their reporter chick is the one currently under threat of death in Iraq right now. What I don't get is why the Christian Science Monitor doesn't monitor or report on Christian Science. So "What is Christian Science?" you ask well, like Intelligent Design which is neither intelligent nor designed, Christian Science, is neither Christian nor science.

In other, crazier fanatical religious news, the Al Qaeda #2 guy we tried to kill in Pakistan but probably didn't released a tape of, I shit you not, poetry. Of all the things you expect from a fanatic Egyption doctor who heads a global terror network, you don't really expect lines like "There once was a man from Nantucket. Death to America."


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