Friday, February 10, 2006

10 Feb. 2006

Take some time today to relax and shoot the shit. Or at the very least, stay very far away from Buffalo that can literally shoot shit

You are what you eat. Fatty.

I think there was a Seinfeld episode with a grossly overdue library book. Or amybe it was South Park. I don't goddamn remember. It funny when life immitates fiction imitating life. Especially when it's in New Zealand. Which by the way, if there's a new one, where's the old Zealand?

OK, wait, the Olympics are going on???. Well, unless you're from Spain.

I think that in terms of whoring, Barbie could out-do Paris Hilton. Why Ken would want to go through a Queer Eye for the Queer Guy makeover is beyond me.

If someone from another country asks why the US government can't get anything done, blame spell check.


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