Friday, March 27, 2009

Books I'm Reading 8) 13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time by Michael Brooks

The wonderful thing about science is it's constant search for insight. Religion as well searches for insight but at times where things are uncertain, religion often takes the out of saying that it is impossible to know the will of God. In this book, the topics covered, things like homeopathy, cold fusion, the varying of values that science calls "constants", the origin of life, there's a good level of discussion and explanation but an infuriating lack of conclusion. And I suppose such should be expected from something that discusses mysteries of science.

I did learn some things and some of it I already knew and that is, in the end, as much as I could hope for. Yet I am distraught by the lack of conclusion. Perhaps it's just a flaw in my personality that likes to see conclusion. For example, I'm not a believer in the placebo effect. And yet I'm sure that in some ways I've seen the success of the placebo effect in my life. I know better, or like to thing better, and yet still can't explain the conclusions I've experienced in my own life.

If you want a complicated but interesting read, this book is good. If you want to walk away with answers...go be a researcher and get a doctorate in astrophysics and find out how to find dark energy and the Higgs boson. Or go find God.


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