Sunday, March 19, 2006

19 Mar. 2006 - Special Weekend Edition

I like the bible, but more for the comedy value than for personal belief. That being the case there's a wealth of content here. Engouh for four or five stand up routines, at least

Vermont is a kooky place for anyone who's ever been there. Now they're trying to impeach Bush and you gotta love that. New state slogan: We like autumn, we like syrup....fuck Bush.

As if that weren't enough, you've got Arizona electing dead people. Insert you're own Sixth Sense "I see dead people...on office" joke here. Honesly now, with 96% incumbency, I'm surprised we don't see this more often in the US Senate.

In further political amusment, the Chinese have an online game that teaches them to mend socks and be good communists.

And in other stupid game news, the USA PATRIOT Act has it's own game. When you lose, you go to Gitmo. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, go directly to Guantanamo.

I am so very glad that I'm not the cop who had to pull over the naked 70 year old lady (and her fuck buddy) for drunk driving. But it's kind of impressive isn't it, to be getting plastered and start fucking in a car at 70. I'll be lucky if my liver lasts half that long.

In further sex news, Canadians spend more time on TV than sex. I think we should mix the two, you can go down while I watch the latest Lost

In science news, the people who started the cryonics movement, freezing yourself in the hope that one day science will be able to save you, got cremated. There are so many jokes in there, I'm just going to let you make up your own.

If I sued myself, I bet I'd win. If that was the premise of the jackass who ran into his own car with a city dump trunk then decided to sue the city, it seems like the kind of thing you would see on a sitcom. Writiers for The King of Queens take note, there's your season finale episode right there.


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